Piergiuseppe Quarato
PhD Student
I obtained my Master’s degree in Genetic and Molecular Biology at Sapienza University of Rome in 2015. During my Bachelor’s degree I have worked in the laboratory of Dr. Ruberti at Sapienza University of Rome, where I studied the HD-Zip family of transcriptional factors in Arabidopsis thaliana. Then, during my Master’s degree, I have worked in the laboratory of Prof. Macino at Sapienza University of Rome, where I studied the nuclear functions of the Argonaute protein AGO1 in human cells. Here I was involved in the creation of a knock out cell line for AGO1 gene using CRISPR/cas9 system. After obtaining my Master’s degree I performed a six months’ internship in the Cecere Laboratory. During my internship I got interested in the regulation of epigenetic mechanisms by short RNAs and I decided to join the Cecere Laboratory for my PhD.